Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Visions of debits all danced in his head

Mingo prepares the books for the end of the year - he's a real numbers whiz!! Can tax season be far behind?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy hour in the hot tub

More holiday spirit- drinks in his favorite flamingo glass and all ready to slide into the hot tub for a relaxing soak - maybe a nap in the hammock later. AHHH, winter in Florida- does life get any better?

Tickets to Sister Act!!

Nothing better on a Sunday afternoon than a rousing Broadway musical! On his way to the Straz Center to see Sister Act. He got a little vertigo going to his seat in the fourth balcony, but recovered nicely once the lights went down.

Mingo enjoying the tropical breezes of Nassau

What a beautiful day- warm breezes, happy music, friendly people and duty free booze- Mingo LOVES Nassau!

Mingo partying with towel seal in the cabin

Mingo-always the party animal-celebrates his first day of sailing on the Carnival Sensation. Those towel animals can really soak up the booze!!

Mingo in Freeport

Mingo drew a lot of attention in Freeport- and loves the people watching!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

They just wore themselves out, I guess

Steve and Mingo take a break from their busy day - hard to say which one is more worn out!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Mingo Relaxes with a Little Vino

After developing a nasty wing cramp from addressing all the Christmas cards, Mingo relaxes with a nice white wine.

It's Christmas Card Time

It's the holiday season and Mingo is determined to keep in touch with his friends and flock up north.

Hangin' Out with his Peeps


Mingo  enjoys hanging out with his Peeps. They decided to have a Christmas parade, but Mingo was the only one with a costume. The other birds are just a bunch of stiffs-not the best company for our party bird!

Taking Time to Smell the Roses

Never a bird in a hurry, Mingo pauses to inhale the intoxicating fragrance of the Don Juan roses. It it just a coincidence that they match his hat?

Mingo rolls into our lives

Mingo, Bird of Mystery, rolled into our lives on a warm winter's day. He seems to be a bird of few words, but with a great spirit of adventure. Who knows where he will pop up next.